Road Fund: Kick-off for the 2022 budget!

From 2 to 4 February 2022, the Road Fund launched its operating budget for the year 2022 Gathered in Ebolowa around their Administrator, Aubin ESSAIE MOUSSA, the staff of the Road Fund proceeded to the launching of the operating budget for the 2022 financial year, during a workshop. The general...

The Road Fund reinforces the security of the visa and payment processes.

In the target of a continuous improvement in internal governance processes, the Road Fund moves forward to strengthen the securing processes of contracts endorsement and invoices payment. Thus, measures have been taken for some months now, namely, invoices authentication by projects owners, the collection of signature specimens from the main...

The Road Fund works for a better union action!

Gathered in Mbalmayo on 21st December 2021, the Road Fund staff took part in a training workshop dedicated to the functions of staff representatives.  "The staff representative in a public institution: case of the Road Fund" was the central theme which gathered all the staff of the Road Fund, as...

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