Within the prospects of improving on the comfort and safety of road users, public authorities have deployed sustained efforts geared towards seeking solutions to road maintenance problems in Cameroon, despite the prevailing difficult economic and security situation. Thus, as at 31 December 2018, the contracts committed reached, as was the case in 2017, a satisfactory level of 95%. Yet, the execution level of works remains low due, amongst others, to the lack of updating of studies before launching some road maintenance projects, administrative bottlenecks, counter-performance of contracted companies as well as cash stress witnessed by the Road Fund.
As a stopgap measure to the cash flow problems of the Road Fund, the Ministry of Finance (MINFI) and the Bank of Central African States (BEAC) signed an agreement on 13 August 2018 on a mechanism of automatically debiting the single account of the Public Treasury to the benefit of the account of the Road Fund opened at BEAC. This measure is a significant stride forward as it enables the Road Fund’s administration not only to ensure better consistency but also fluidity in payment operations of estimates.
Moreover, on the strength of the publishing of instruments to reorganize the road and highway network, the Road Fund supported council executives in the exercise of their prerogatives of project owners of council road projects financed by its windows. It is in this light that nineteen (19) contracts pertaining to council road maintenance projects were signed during 2018 for a total amount of CFA Francs eight (8) billion. This support will be intensified in 2019, with the transfer of powers made official by the Ministry of Public Works concerning lengthman’s operations on paved roads… — Source : Road Fund