Road maintenance: Mayors from the South region schooled on the Road Fund financing procedures

Mayors from the South region met on Thursday June 8 in Ebolowa for a workshop to build their capacity on the Road Fund financing procedures.

Some forty Mayors from the Mvila, Dja-et-Lobo, Océan and Vallée du Ntem divisions, along with focal points from sector Ministries, met in Ebolowa on 8 June 2023 for a capacity-building session on the contents of the technical guide for stakeholders. It should be remembered that this guide was created to improve understanding of procedures concerning projects to be funded by the Road Fund.

The workshop was launched by the Road Fund Administrator. In his opening remarks, Aubin ESSAIE MOUSSA outlined the aim of the workshop, which is to support regional and local authorities in their role of authorizing officers. In this vein, it is important that they master the operating methods and interactions between the stakeholders involved in the chain of operations financed by the Road Fund. He also emphasised the government’s determination to make decentralisation a reality in the field of road maintenance, given the financial resources, which have been allocated to the south region, over the past few years.

During the workshop, four modules were discussed including : transferred competencies and requirements specification for each of the Road Fund’s three authorizing officers, the methodology for designing communal road maintenance programmes, award of contract and execution of projects, and the procedures and processing chain for invoices and payments.

At the end of the session, participants were encouraged to continue using the documents made available to them, in order to improve their mastery of the Fund’s procedures. The ultimate aim is to reduce the rejection rate for files, with a view to improving road maintenance in Cameroon.

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