The road Fund is performing its missions of road maintenance financing and payment of services provided to the enterprise, through two separate windows, namely the “maintenance” window and the “investment” window

The « Maintenance » window
    • Routine and periodic maintenance of the priority urban road network;

    • Road prevention and safety;

    • The protection of the national road heritage.

The « Investment » Window
    • Ensure the financing and payment of services provided to the company and relating to upgrading and rehabilitation of the roads

Financing road maintenance and safety-related programmes

The Road Fund ensures the financing of programmes pertaining to the protection of the national road heritage, road safety, road network maintenance, on the one hand, and road rehabilitation and upgrading operations, on the other hand.

The Road Fund carries out its missions through two separate and independent windows, namely:

  • The ‘‘Maintenance’’ window; and
  • The ‘‘ Investment’’ window. 

As a public administrative establishment with special status given its management organs, staff salaries and benefits as well as rules for keeping its accounts, the Road Fund is endowed with legal personality and enjoys managerial autonomy.

Thus, it is placed under the dual supervisory authority of the Ministers in charge of Finance and Roads. Moreover, the Road Fund’s role remains compliant with its two windows.

As such, the ‘‘Maintenance’’ window is exclusively aimed at ensuring the financing and payment of contract services relating to three aspects in line with safety. It notably entails: the routine and periodic maintenance of the priority urban, classified inter-urban and rural road network; road safety; protection of the national road heritage.

On its part, the ‘‘Investment’’ window is aimed at exclusively ensuring the financing and payment of contract services relating to road upgrading and rehabilitation.

The resources of the Road Fund consist of the following:

a) As for the “maintenance” window:

  • Road User Charge (RUC)
  • Road tolls or in case of road tolls concessions, concession royalties;
  • Budget allocations of ministries meant to put money into the emergency line on account of emergency interventions;
  • Resources stemming from financial products generated by the placement of possible treasury surpluses;
  • Axle tax proceeds;
  • Transit tax proceeds;
  • Proceeds from fines.

b) For the “investment” window:

  • Grants, legacies, subsidies and various forms of assistance from Cameroon’s financial partners;
  • Budget allocations from ministries;
  • All financing other than those mentioned in point a) above.


The Road Fund in a few figures


More than 1400 billion injected into the economic circuit


More than 15,000 construction companies financed


More than 9500 projects funded as part of road maintenance.

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